Friday, April 22, 2011

The Fox says..."and so it begins"

Hopefully this is not just a "thing" that I'll forget about in 3 weeks and never do again because it took me a while to find that cool fox background and think of all that wanna-be clever stuff my profile says...

But mostly I'm doing this so I can have a journal of just what is going on in my mind, what the Lord is doing and how He is working in, through, and around me AND describe how I feel about junk. Even more mostly, this is going to start as a journal to prepare me for my up-coming trip (2 1/2 weeks!!!) to Senegal to spread the love of Jesus to the Wolof people! And so hopefully this blog here, will live past that.

"So whats going on as of late?" you may ask. "Thats and excellent question, thank you for asking," I would say, but then I would say something like....

The Lord is teaching me a lot about perspective of myself and others.

      Just in the past few weeks or so, I have invested a lot of thought into where my life is going, what I am doing with it now and if thats where I need to be. I wasn't sure if being in Culinary was right for me, and I kind of want to do Speech Therapy because that would be cool and if I do either of those, where does God want me to live? After a while, I realized that most of that time was wasted and was kind of selfish because when I think about what really is required of me (scripturally) it's black and white what the Bible says are the traits that my life need to be consistent with, to be in the Will of God. (Rom. 12:2, Eph. 6:6, 1 Thes. 4:3, 5: 18, 1 Peter 2:15, 3:17, 4:12. just to name a few.) These have nothing to do with what job I take or what city I live in. Because, as Paul says (in the RIGHT context) to the Philipians "I can do all things through Christ, which strengthen me." That is, not for my gain or what I can accomplish, but what I can to do in order to proclaim the name of Jesus WHEREVER I go. (Can i get and amen!?)
    This means I can be a Chef and can sell food out of a truck on the street or prepare tiny meals with high prices and foreign names, in the name of Jesus. I can be a Speech Therapist and teach people how to speak, in the name of Jesus. I can stay where I am or move to Foxtown, FL (really cool name of a town!) and live for the name of Jesus!

So needless to say, my mind is cleared up of a lot of stuff. It doesn't mean I have it figured out yet, but it's a lot easier for me to not doubt where God has me and chance missing opportunities right in front of me. I'm just waiting until he tells me to move, and until then I will be still and know that He is God.

Later days for what I'm learning about people, because I'm still (with a lot of the Lord's help) sorting it out. Its a trip, man.

Grace and Peace

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